This is a large purse at 10.5" x 9.5". This uniquely functional bag has 2 completely separate zipper close compartments. 

These stunning purses are made entirely of beautiful huipile cloth, they are each a work of art. Because they are made of huipile cloth, the purses are washable and very durable. Each purse is completely unique.

These purses are made entirely (other than the lining) from legendary Huipil cloth. This intricate tightly woven cloth is for use in making traditional Mayan clothing. Huipiles beautiful traditional hand made garments that display geography, ethnicity, and other cultural aspects. Mayan clothing is literally designed to last for the lifetime of the person wearing it. So this purse is designed for life. We are very happy to offer a few products such as this that are made of this magical cloth. Huipils are nothing less than artistic treasures. 

The price stated is per single piece. You will receive assorted colors. The photo is representative only. Colors and patterns will differ. The grids in the photo are 1/2 inch (1.27 cm.)

Price: $16.50


    Do you need a large amount of this item? We are large quantity specialists. Please contact us with the desired amount and your need by date for a quote.